How to Clean and Maintain Your Kitchen Shears

In this guide, we'll show you how to clean and maintain your kitchen shears.

We'll walk you through the essential steps to keep your shears in top shape, ensuring they're always ready to tackle any culinary task.

From gathering the necessary cleaning supplies to properly storing your shears, we've got you covered.

Follow our expert tips, and you'll have your kitchen shears looking and performing their best in no time.

Let's get started!

Gather the Necessary Cleaning Supplies

To begin cleaning and maintaining our kitchen shears, we need to gather the necessary cleaning supplies. The first step is to gather a mild dish soap, warm water, a soft sponge or cloth, and a towel for drying. We should avoid using abrasive cleaners or metal scrubbers, as they can damage the blades.

Once we've the supplies ready, we can start by rinsing off any food debris or residue from the shears using warm water. Next, we can apply a small amount of dish soap to the sponge or cloth and gently scrub the blades, making sure to remove any stubborn stains or buildup. After thoroughly cleaning the shears, we should rinse them with warm water and dry them with a towel to prevent rusting.

Proper storage methods are equally important in maintaining kitchen shears. It's recommended to store them in a dry and clean place, away from moisture and potential damage. Additionally, keeping them in a sheath or a protective cover can help prevent accidents and prolong their lifespan.

Disassemble the Kitchen Shears (If Possible)

After gathering the necessary cleaning supplies, we can now move on to the next step in maintaining our kitchen shears, which is to disassemble them if possible. Disassembling the shears allows for a more thorough cleaning and helps to maintain their functionality and longevity.

To begin the disassembly process, check if your kitchen shears are designed to be taken apart. Some models have a screw near the pivot point that can be loosened with a screwdriver. Once the screw is loosened, carefully separate the two blades by pulling them apart.

While disassembling the shears, it's essential to pay attention to the order in which the parts are taken apart. This will make it easier to reassemble them correctly later. Take note of how the blades, the pivot point, and any other components fit together.

Once the shears are disassembled, you can proceed to clean each part individually. Use warm soapy water and a brush to remove any food debris or residue. Pay extra attention to the pivot point, as this area tends to accumulate dirt and grease.

After cleaning, rinse the parts thoroughly and dry them completely before reassembling the shears. Once the shears are dry, carefully align the blades and reattach them using the screw. Make sure the blades are securely fastened, but be careful not to overtighten the screw, as this may affect the shears' performance.

Remove Any Food Debris or Residue

To remove any food debris or residue from the kitchen shears, we can use a brush and warm soapy water. Cleaning the shears regularly is important to maintain their functionality and prevent any buildup that could affect their performance. Here are some cleaning techniques to effectively remove tough stains and residue from your kitchen shears:

Cleaning Technique Instructions
Brush and Soapy Water Fill a sink or bowl with warm water and add a few drops of dish soap. Dip a brush into the soapy water and gently scrub the blades and handles of the shears, paying special attention to any areas with stubborn residue. Rinse with clean water and pat dry with a clean towel.
Vinegar Soak If the shears have tough stains or odors, you can soak them in a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water for about 30 minutes. After soaking, rinse with clean water and dry thoroughly.

| Baking Soda Paste | For stubborn stains, create a paste by mixing baking soda with water. Apply the paste to the affected areas and let it sit for a few minutes. Scrub with a brush or sponge, then rinse and dry.

Clean the Blades With Hot Soapy Water

We can start by cleaning the blades of the kitchen shears with hot soapy water. This is an effective method for removing any grease, grime, or food particles that may be stuck on the blades.

To clean the blades, simply fill a sink or basin with hot water and add a few drops of dish soap. Submerge the shears in the water and use a sponge or brush to scrub the blades thoroughly. Pay close attention to the area where the blades meet, as this is where most of the dirt and debris tend to accumulate.

Rinse the shears with hot water to remove any soap residue, and then dry them thoroughly with a clean towel.

While hot soapy water is usually sufficient for cleaning kitchen shears, there are a couple of additional methods you can try if you want to disinfect them further.

One option is to soak the shears in a solution of equal parts water and vinegar for about 10 minutes. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and can help kill any bacteria or germs on the blades.

Another option is to run the shears through a dishwasher cycle. Make sure to place them in the utensil basket or secure them with a clip to prevent them from moving around and potentially causing damage to the dishwasher or other items.

Use a Scrub Brush or Toothbrush for Stubborn Stains

If we encounter stubborn stains on the blades of our kitchen shears, we can use a scrub brush or toothbrush to effectively remove them. Both tools are great for tackling tough stains, but they have their differences. Let's take a look at how a toothbrush and a scrub brush compare when it comes to removing stubborn stains from kitchen shears.

Toothbrush Scrub Brush
Smaller size makes it easier to maneuver in tight spaces Larger bristles provide more scrubbing power
Soft bristles are gentle on the blades Stiffer bristles can tackle tougher stains
Can easily reach smaller crevices and corners Covers a larger surface area

When using a toothbrush, make sure to use gentle pressure and scrub in a circular motion to avoid scratching the blades. The soft bristles will effectively remove stains without damaging the shears. On the other hand, a scrub brush with stiffer bristles can handle more stubborn stains. Apply a bit more pressure and scrub back and forth to loosen and remove the stains.

If a toothbrush or scrub brush is not available, there are alternative cleaning methods for kitchen shears. One option is to soak the shears in a mixture of warm water and dish soap for a few minutes to loosen the stains. Then, use a soft cloth or sponge to gently scrub away the residue. Another alternative is to create a paste using baking soda and water and apply it to the stained areas. Let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a soft brush or cloth.

Dry the Shears Thoroughly After Cleaning

Now that we've cleaned our kitchen shears, it's important to make sure they're thoroughly dried before storing them. This step is crucial to prevent rust and damage to the shears.

After cleaning, use a clean towel to wipe the shears dry, making sure to remove all moisture.

Store the shears in a dry place to further protect them from moisture and humidity.

Prevent Rust and Damage

To prevent rust and damage, it's important to thoroughly dry the kitchen shears after cleaning. Moisture left on the blades can lead to corrosion, which can weaken the metal and affect the shears' performance. Here are some tips to help you dry your kitchen shears effectively:

  • Use a clean, dry cloth or paper towel to wipe the blades and handles, removing any remaining moisture.
  • Pay special attention to the pivot point and any other areas where water may have accumulated.
  • If necessary, use a hairdryer on a low heat setting to ensure all the nooks and crannies are completely dry.

Store in a Dry Place

After thoroughly drying the kitchen shears, it's important to store them in a dry place to prevent rust and maintain their sharpness. Proper storage is crucial to prolong the lifespan of your kitchen shears and ensure they're always ready for use. Moisture is the enemy when it comes to preventing rust, so make sure the shears are completely dry before storing them.

Store them in a clean, dry drawer or hang them on a utensil rack. Avoid storing them in a damp or humid environment, such as near the sink or dishwasher. Additionally, consider using a protective sheath or a blade guard to further protect the shears from moisture and potential damage.

Lubricate the Pivot Point and Blades

We regularly lubricate the pivot point and blades of our kitchen shears to ensure smooth operation and prevent rust. Proper lubrication is essential for maintaining the longevity and functionality of your shears.

Here are some important lubrication techniques and tips to keep in mind:

  • Choosing the right lubricant: It's crucial to select a lubricant that's food-safe and suitable for kitchen utensils. Look for lubricants specifically designed for cutting tools or kitchen shears. Avoid using household oils or lubricants that may contain harmful chemicals.
  • Apply the lubricant: Start by cleaning any debris or food particles from the pivot point and blades of your shears. Use a clean cloth or paper towel to wipe away any residue. Then, apply a small amount of the chosen lubricant to the pivot point and along the blades. Be sure to distribute the lubricant evenly to ensure smooth movement.
  • Wipe off excess lubricant: After applying the lubricant, use a clean cloth or paper towel to wipe off any excess. Leaving excess lubricant on your shears can attract dirt and debris, affecting their performance.

Regularly lubricating your kitchen shears will help maintain their efficiency and prevent rust. By following these simple steps, you can ensure smooth cutting and prolong the lifespan of your shears.

Store the Shears Properly to Prevent Damage

When it comes to storing kitchen shears, there are a few key points to keep in mind.

Firstly, consider whether hanging or drawer storage is best for your shears. Hanging them on a magnetic strip or in a utensil holder can help prevent them from getting damaged in a cluttered drawer.

Additionally, it's important to protect your shears from moisture, as this can lead to rust and corrosion.

Hanging Vs. Drawer Storage

To prevent damage, it's important to properly store your kitchen shears either by hanging them or keeping them in a drawer. Here are some considerations for both options:

  • Hanging storage:
  • Hanging your shears on a magnetic strip or a hook keeps them easily accessible and visible.
  • It saves drawer space and allows for quick retrieval during cooking.
  • Hanging also prevents the blades from rubbing against other utensils, reducing the risk of nicks or dulling.
  • Drawer storage:
  • Storing shears in a drawer keeps them protected from dust and potential accidents.
  • It's a great option if you have limited wall space or prefer a clutter-free countertop.
  • Placing them in a dedicated slot or using a knife block ensures proper organization and prevents damage from loose objects.

Consider your kitchen layout and personal preference when deciding between hanging or drawer storage. Both options can keep your kitchen shears in excellent condition and ready for use.

Protecting Against Moisture

Proper storage is essential for protecting your kitchen shears against moisture and preventing damage. Moisture can cause rust, which can degrade the quality and performance of your shears. To prevent rust and maintain your shears, it's important to store them properly.

Here are some tips on how to protect your shears from moisture:

  1. Clean and dry: Before storing your shears, make sure they're clean and dry. Any leftover food or moisture can lead to rust formation.
  2. Use oil: Applying a thin layer of oil, such as mineral oil or food-grade oil, to the blades can help prevent rust. Simply wipe the blades with a small amount of oil before storing them.

To ensure the longevity of your kitchen shears, it's crucial to store them in a dry place and protect them from moisture. Taking these simple steps will help prevent rust and keep your shears in top condition for years to come.

Cleaning After Each Use

After each use, we should clean and store our kitchen shears properly to prevent damage. Here are some cleaning techniques and recommended cleaning products to help maintain the longevity of your shears:

  • Hand wash: Rinse the shears under warm water to remove any food debris. Use a mild dish soap and scrub the blades with a sponge or brush.
  • Dry thoroughly: After washing, pat the shears dry with a clean towel. Make sure to dry both the blades and the handle to prevent any moisture buildup.
  • Oil the pivot: Apply a few drops of food-grade oil to the pivot point of the shears. This will help keep the blades moving smoothly.

Recommended cleaning products for your kitchen shears include dish soap, a sponge or brush, and food-grade oil.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should I Clean My Kitchen Shears?

We make sure to clean our kitchen shears regularly to maintain their hygiene and functionality. To properly sanitize them, we use the best cleaning solutions available and follow the recommended guidelines.

Can I Use a Dishwasher to Clean My Kitchen Shears?

Yes, you can use a dishwasher to clean kitchen shears, but it's not recommended. Dishwashers can damage the blades and affect their sharpness. We suggest hand washing with warm soapy water as a safer alternative.

Can I Use Bleach to Clean My Kitchen Shears?

Using bleach to clean kitchen shears is not recommended. It can cause damage and corrosion. Instead, try alternative cleaning methods like using warm soapy water, vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide for the best results.

How Do I Remove Rust From My Kitchen Shears?

To remove rust from our kitchen shears, we can use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. Soaking them for an hour, scrubbing with a brush, and drying thoroughly helps prevent rust in the future.

Can I Sharpen My Kitchen Shears at Home?

Yes, you can sharpen your kitchen shears at home using various sharpening techniques such as using a sharpening stone or a knife sharpener. Additionally, there are alternative cleaning methods to keep them in good condition.


In conclusion, properly cleaning and maintaining your kitchen shears is essential for their longevity and performance. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your shears remain sharp, free from debris, and in optimal working condition.

Regular cleaning, drying, lubricating, and proper storage will help prevent damage and keep your kitchen shears ready for all your culinary needs.