Tips for Cutting Through Tough Meat With Kitchen Shears

Looking to conquer that tough piece of meat? We've got you covered! In this article, we'll share our top tips for cutting through tough meat with kitchen shears.

From choosing the right shears to perfecting your technique, we'll show you how to tackle even the most stubborn cuts.

Get ready to become a meat-cutting pro as we dive into the secrets of using kitchen shears like a boss. Let's get started!

Choose the Right Type of Kitchen Shears

To cut through tough meat with ease, we need to start by choosing the right type of kitchen shears. When it comes to kitchen shears, there are different sizes and handle materials to consider. Let's dive into the pros and cons of each type to help you make an informed decision.

First, let's talk about size. Kitchen shears come in various sizes, ranging from small to large. Smaller shears are ideal for delicate tasks like snipping herbs or trimming small pieces of meat. On the other hand, larger shears are better suited for cutting through thick cuts of meat or poultry bones. It's important to choose a size that fits comfortably in your hand and allows you to maneuver with ease.

Now let's discuss handle materials. Kitchen shears can have handles made of plastic, stainless steel, or even silicone. Plastic handles tend to be lightweight and affordable, but they may not be as durable. Stainless steel handles are sturdy and easy to clean, but they can be heavier. Silicone handles provide a comfortable grip, but they may not be as durable as other materials.

Ensure Your Shears Are Sharp

Now that we've chosen the right type of kitchen shears, let's ensure that our shears are sharp. Proper shear maintenance is crucial for effective and efficient cutting. Dull shears can make the task of cutting through tough meat even more challenging. But don't worry, sharpening your shears is easier than you might think.

One of the most common sharpening techniques for kitchen shears is using a sharpening stone. Start by wetting the stone and holding it firmly on a flat surface. Then, holding the shears at an angle of about 20 degrees, slide the blades across the stone in a sweeping motion. Repeat this process several times on both sides of the blades until they feel sharp.

Alternatively, you can use a knife sharpener or a honing rod to sharpen your shears. Hold the shears securely and gently run the blades along the sharpener or honing rod, making sure to maintain the correct angle. Again, repeat this process until the blades are adequately sharpened.

Remember to clean your shears after sharpening to remove any metal shavings or debris. Regular maintenance and sharpening won't only ensure that your shears are ready for any tough meat you encounter, but it will also prolong their lifespan. So, take a few minutes to sharpen your shears, and you'll be ready to tackle even the toughest cuts of meat with ease.

Use Proper Technique and Grip

Now let's talk about the proper technique and grip to effectively cut through tough meat with kitchen shears.

When it comes to grip, it's important to place your fingers properly on the shears for maximum control and stability.

Additionally, the angle at which you use the blade can make a significant difference in the ease of cutting through the meat.

Mastering these techniques will ensure that you can tackle even the toughest cuts of meat with ease and precision.

Finger Placement for Grip

For a secure grip, position your fingers around the handles of the kitchen shears. This is an important step to ensure a proper grip and prevent any accidents while cutting through tough meat.

Here are some tips for finger placement to achieve the best grip:

  • Place your thumb in one handle and your middle, ring, and pinky fingers in the other handle.
  • Keep your fingers close to the pivot point of the shears for better control.
  • Make sure your fingers are wrapped around the handles tightly but comfortably.
  • Avoid placing your fingers too far towards the end of the handles, as this can make it harder to exert enough pressure.
  • Maintain a relaxed yet firm grip to avoid hand strain during prolonged cutting sessions.

Angle of Blade Use

To achieve optimal results when cutting through tough meat with kitchen shears, we should focus on using the proper technique and grip for the angle of the blade. The angle at which we hold the blade is crucial in ensuring that we can effectively cut through the meat and even bones if necessary.

It's important to maintain the sharpness of the blade through regular maintenance, as a dull blade can make cutting through tough meat more challenging.

When cutting through bone, we need to use a slightly different technique and grip. Placing the blade at a slight angle and applying steady pressure will help us cut through the bone smoothly.

Cut Against the Grain

One important tip for cutting through tough meat with kitchen shears is to always cut against the grain. This cutting technique is essential to ensure that you achieve the desired tenderness in your meat.

Here are five reasons why cutting against the grain is crucial:

  • Enhanced tenderness: When you cut against the grain, you're essentially shortening the muscle fibers, making the meat more tender and easier to chew.
  • Improved flavor absorption: By cutting against the grain, you create more surface area for marinades and seasonings to penetrate, resulting in a more flavorful dish.
  • Reduced chewiness: Cutting against the grain breaks up the tough connective tissues, minimizing the chewiness of the meat.
  • Even cooking: When you cut against the grain, the meat cooks more evenly as the heat can easily penetrate the shorter muscle fibers.
  • Better presentation: Cutting against the grain results in neat, clean slices of meat, enhancing the overall presentation of your dish.

Break Down Larger Pieces of Meat

Continuing from cutting against the grain, we can further break down larger pieces of meat with kitchen shears. These versatile tools aren't just for cutting through bones or snipping herbs; they can also be used to break down whole chickens or trim fat from beef cuts.

When it comes to breaking down a whole chicken, kitchen shears are a game-changer. Instead of wrestling with a large knife and risking injury, simply use the shears to cut through the joints and separate the chicken into individual pieces. The shears make it easy to navigate through the bones, ensuring clean cuts and reducing the chances of bone fragments ending up in your dish.

Trimming fat from beef cuts can be a tedious task, but kitchen shears make it much more manageable. With their sharp blades and strong construction, they can effortlessly cut through tough fat, allowing you to achieve leaner and more appetizing cuts of meat. Whether you're preparing a steak or a roast, the shears enable you to remove excess fat quickly and efficiently.

Take Advantage of the Shears' Versatility

Now that we've learned how to break down larger pieces of meat, let's talk about the versatility of kitchen shears.

One of the advantages of using shears is that they allow for optimal cutting techniques. Whether you're dealing with tough cuts of beef, poultry, or fish, having the right tool can make all the difference in achieving clean and precise cuts.

Optimal Cutting Techniques

To fully harness the versatility of kitchen shears, we can employ optimal cutting techniques. These techniques won't only enhance our efficiency but also ensure that we achieve precise cuts every time. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your kitchen shears:

  • Maintain an optimal cutting speed: By finding the right pace, you'll be able to maintain control over the shears and ensure clean cuts.
  • Use the shears to cut through bone: Kitchen shears aren't just for meat; they can also cut through bones. Apply firm pressure and make small, controlled cuts to avoid damaging the shears.
  • Grip the shears properly: Hold the shears with a firm grip to maintain stability and control while cutting.
  • Start with smaller pieces: If you're dealing with a large piece of tough meat, it's easier to cut it into smaller pieces first before attempting to cut through it.
  • Follow the natural lines: When cutting meat, follow the natural lines and seams to make the process easier and more efficient.

Different Types of Meat

Let's explore the versatility of kitchen shears by examining different types of meat they can handle. Kitchen shears are not just for cutting through tough meat, but they can also be used for a variety of cooking methods and flavor profiles. Take a look at the table below to see how kitchen shears can be used with different types of meat:

Meat Type Cooking Method Flavor Profile
Chicken Grilling Savory
Beef Roasting Rich
Pork Braising Sweet
Lamb Searing Earthy

With kitchen shears, you can easily trim excess fat from chicken before grilling it to perfection. When it comes to beef, kitchen shears can be used to trim the fat and cut the meat into smaller pieces for roasting. Pork can be easily prepared by using kitchen shears to cut it into smaller chunks for braising. And for lamb, kitchen shears can be used to trim the fat and sear the meat to bring out its earthy flavor. The versatility of kitchen shears allows you to handle different types of meat with ease, making them a valuable tool in the kitchen.

Clean and Maintain Your Shears

How can we effectively clean and maintain our kitchen shears? Proper maintenance is essential to keep your shears in top condition and prevent rusting. Here are some tips to help you maintain your shears:

  • Clean after each use: After using your shears, rinse them with warm soapy water to remove any food particles or residue. Make sure to dry them thoroughly to prevent moisture buildup.
  • Oil the pivot point: Apply a few drops of oil to the pivot point of your shears to keep them operating smoothly. This will also help prevent rusting in this critical area.
  • Store them properly: Hang your shears or store them in a clean, dry place to prevent them from getting damaged or exposed to moisture. Avoid storing them in a drawer where they can get bent or damaged.
  • Sharpen regularly: Keep your shears sharp by sharpening them regularly. You can use a sharpening stone or take them to a professional for sharpening.
  • Avoid cutting hard materials: Kitchen shears are designed for cutting through food, not hard materials like bones or wire. Avoid using them for tasks they aren't intended for to prevent damage.

Practice and Build Confidence

After properly maintaining your kitchen shears, we can now focus on practicing and building confidence in using them to cut through tough meat. Practice is essential for improving your skills and becoming proficient in using kitchen shears effectively. By dedicating time to practice, you can build stamina and improve your dexterity, allowing you to handle tougher cuts of meat with ease.

To help you practice, here are a few exercises you can try:

Exercise Description
Paper Cutting Start by cutting through sheets of paper to get a feel for the shears' grip and motion. This exercise helps you develop precision and control.
Vegetable Chopping Use your kitchen shears to chop up vegetables like carrots or celery. This exercise allows you to practice cutting through denser textures and builds strength in your hands.
Poultry Trimming Trim excess fat and skin from poultry using kitchen shears. This exercise helps you practice cutting through tougher and more resistant materials.

| Bone Cutting | Once you feel confident, try cutting through smaller bones like chicken wings or ribs. This exercise helps you master the technique of cutting through tough meat.

Remember to start slowly and gradually increase the difficulty level as you build confidence. With consistent practice, you'll soon become adept at using kitchen shears to tackle even the toughest cuts of meat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Regular Scissors Instead of Kitchen Shears to Cut Through Tough Meat?

Yes, we can use regular scissors as an alternative to kitchen shears for cutting tough meat. However, it's important to note that kitchen shears are specifically designed for this purpose and may provide better results.

What Are Some Common Mistakes People Make When Using Kitchen Shears to Cut Meat?

Common mistakes when using kitchen shears to cut meat include using dull blades, not properly positioning the shears, and applying too much force. It's important to learn the proper technique to ensure efficient and safe cutting.

Are There Any Safety Precautions I Should Take When Using Kitchen Shears on Tough Meat?

When using kitchen shears on tough meat, we always take safety precautions. We make sure to use a proper technique, keeping our fingers away from the blades and cutting with controlled, steady motions.

Can I Use Kitchen Shears to Cut Through Bones or Cartilage?

Yes, you can use kitchen shears to cut through bones or cartilage, but there are pros and cons. It's important to be cautious and consider alternatives like a butcher's knife for better precision and control.

How Often Should I Sharpen My Kitchen Shears to Maintain Their Effectiveness?

We find that sharpening our kitchen shears every few months helps maintain their effectiveness. To sharpen them, we use a sharpening stone or a honing rod, following the manufacturer's instructions for the best results.


In conclusion, mastering the art of cutting through tough meat with kitchen shears is all about having the right tools, technique, and practice.

By choosing the right type of shears, keeping them sharp, using proper technique and grip, cutting against the grain, breaking down larger pieces, and taking advantage of their versatility, you can easily conquer even the toughest cuts of meat.

So don't be afraid to grab those shears and get cooking!