How to Cut Through Tough Crusts With Bread Scissors

Are you tired of struggling with tough crusts when slicing bread? We've got you covered!

In this article, we'll show you how to effortlessly cut through even the most stubborn crusts using bread scissors. We'll guide you through choosing the right scissors, preparing the crusty bread, and mastering the proper cutting technique.

Plus, we'll share tips for maintaining your bread scissors and achieving perfectly sliced crusts every time.

Say goodbye to frustrating crusts and hello to perfectly sliced bread!

Choosing the Right Bread Scissors

When choosing the right bread scissors, it's important to consider factors such as the blade material, handle design, and overall durability. Sharpening bread scissors is crucial for maintaining their effectiveness. Blunt blades can make it difficult to cut through crusty bread without crushing it. Look for scissors with high-quality stainless steel blades, as they're known for their sharpness and rust resistance. Titanium-coated blades are another excellent option as they provide increased durability and strength.

There are different types of bread scissors to choose from, each with its own unique features. Traditional bread scissors have long, serrated blades that make it effortless to slice through bread without tearing it apart. Some models even come with a built-in crumb catcher to keep your workspace clean. Another type is the electric bread scissors, which provide effortless cutting with the push of a button. These scissors are particularly useful for individuals with limited hand strength or mobility.

Handle design is another crucial aspect to consider. Look for ergonomically designed handles that provide a comfortable grip and minimize hand fatigue during use. Additionally, handles with non-slip materials or textures can offer better control and prevent accidents.

Preparing the Crusty Bread

To prepare the crusty bread, we gently place it on a cutting board, readying it for the next step. Preparing the bread properly is essential for achieving the perfect crust that's both crispy and delicious.

Here are three important steps to follow when preparing crusty bread:

  1. Pre-baking techniques: Before baking the bread, it's crucial to prepare the dough properly. This may involve allowing the dough to rest for a specific period to develop gluten, which creates the desired texture and structure. Additionally, some recipes call for preheating the baking stone or sheet to ensure the bread bakes evenly and develops a crispy crust.
  2. Choosing the right bread: Different types of crusty bread require different preparation techniques. For example, baguettes may need to be scored before baking to allow for proper expansion, while round loaves may benefit from a dusting of flour to enhance the crust's appearance.
  3. Proper hydration: The hydration level of the dough plays a significant role in achieving a crusty exterior. A higher hydration dough tends to create a more open crumb structure, while a lower hydration dough creates a denser texture and thicker crust.

Proper Technique for Cutting

We can achieve clean and precise cuts through tough crusts by using the proper technique with bread scissors. Mastering the art of slicing crusts is essential to ensure that you don't end up with uneven or jagged edges.

First and foremost, it's important to choose the right bread scissors for the job. Look for a pair that has sharp, serrated blades that can easily grip and cut through the crust.

When it comes to the actual cutting, start by firmly gripping the bread with one hand and positioning the scissors at a slight angle. Apply steady pressure as you cut through the crust, making sure to maintain a smooth and continuous motion. Avoid using a sawing motion, as this can lead to tearing and crushing of the bread.

Also, be mindful of the thickness of the slices you're cutting. It's best to aim for uniform slices that are neither too thick nor too thin.

Finally, remember to clean the bread scissors thoroughly after each use to prevent any residue from affecting future cuts.

Maintaining Your Bread Scissors

To keep our bread scissors in optimal condition, it's important that we regularly clean and sharpen them. Here are some cleaning tips and storing bread scissors:

  1. Cleaning Tips:
  • After each use, wipe the blades of the bread scissors with a damp cloth to remove any food particles or residue.
  • For tougher stains or sticky residue, mix a small amount of dish soap with warm water and use a soft brush or sponge to gently scrub the blades.
  • Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbers that could damage the blades or handle of the scissors.
  1. Sharpening the Blades:
  • Over time, the blades of the bread scissors can become dull. To maintain their sharpness, use a knife sharpener or a honing rod to gently sharpen the blades.
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions or consult a professional if you're unsure about the sharpening process.
  1. Storing Bread Scissors:
  • When not in use, store the bread scissors in a dry and clean place to prevent rust or corrosion.
  • Consider using a blade cover or a sheath to protect the blades and prevent any accidental injuries.
  • Keep the scissors away from moisture or extreme temperatures to prolong their lifespan.

Tips for Perfectly Sliced Crusts

For perfectly sliced crusts, simply place the bread scissors at a slight angle and gently press down while cutting. This technique allows you to effortlessly slice through even the toughest of crusts, resulting in beautifully cut pieces of bread.

While some may argue that using bread knives is a more traditional approach, bread scissors offer a range of benefits that make them the preferred choice for many.

One advantage of using bread scissors is the control they provide. With a knife, it can be challenging to achieve consistent slices, especially when dealing with crusty bread. Bread scissors, on the other hand, allow you to easily adjust the angle and pressure, ensuring each cut is uniform and precise. This level of control is particularly helpful when slicing through thick or uneven crusts.

Another benefit is the reduced risk of injury. Bread knives can be sharp and require a certain level of skill to handle safely. Bread scissors, on the other hand, have a more ergonomic design that makes them easier to handle, reducing the likelihood of accidents. This is especially important if you have children who enjoy helping in the kitchen.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Regular Scissors Instead of Bread Scissors to Cut Through Tough Crusts?

When it comes to cutting through tough crusts, using bread scissors instead of regular scissors has its benefits. We'll share tips for selecting the right bread scissors for the job.

How Do I Know if the Bread Scissors I Have Are Suitable for Cutting Through Tough Crusts?

Sure, we can use a serrated knife instead of bread scissors to cut through tough crusts. Besides cutting crusts, bread scissors are also handy for trimming dough, slicing sandwiches, and even opening packages.

Can I Use Any Type of Crusty Bread for This Technique?

Yes, you can use any type of crusty bread for this technique. However, certain types of bread, like baguettes or sourdough, are more suitable due to their hard crusts. If you don't have bread scissors, there are alternative methods for cutting tough crusts.

Is There a Specific Way to Hold the Bread Scissors When Cutting Through Tough Crusts?

When cutting through tough crusts with bread scissors, it's important to use specific techniques for holding them. Proper maintenance of the scissors is also crucial to ensure effective cutting.

How Often Should I Sharpen My Bread Scissors to Maintain Their Cutting Efficiency?

To maintain cutting efficiency, it's important to consider sharpening frequency for bread scissors. Regular sharpening keeps the blades sharp and ensures smooth cutting. As for maintenance tips, we've got you covered.


Cutting through tough crusts can be a breeze with the right bread scissors. By selecting a sturdy pair, preparing the bread properly, and using the correct technique, you can achieve beautifully sliced crusts every time.

Remember to maintain your scissors for long-lasting use. With these tips, you'll be able to enjoy your crusty bread without any hassle.

Happy slicing!