How to Debone a Chicken Using Kitchen Shears

We'll show you how to debone a chicken using kitchen shears. It's a skill that can come in handy for various recipes, and with our step-by-step guide, you'll be able to tackle it with confidence.

By gathering the necessary tools, preparing the chicken, and carefully removing the bones, you'll be left with boneless chicken ready to be used in your favorite dishes.

Let's get started!

Gather the Necessary Tools

Let's begin by rounding up all the tools we'll need to successfully debone a chicken using kitchen shears. When it comes to deboning a chicken, many people debate whether to use kitchen shears or a knife. While both tools can get the job done, kitchen shears offer some advantages, especially for beginners.

Kitchen shears are essentially heavy-duty scissors designed specifically for kitchen use. They've a strong cutting blade and a comfortable grip, making them easier to handle than a knife for those who aren't experienced with deboning. The shears allow for more control and precision when removing bones, reducing the risk of accidentally cutting through the meat.

For beginners, using kitchen shears can be less intimidating than using a knife. The shears provide a safer option and minimize the chances of getting injured. Additionally, they can be used for other kitchen tasks like cutting herbs or opening packages, making them a versatile tool to have in your kitchen.

When choosing kitchen shears, look for a pair that's sharp and has sturdy blades. It's important to have a comfortable grip as it will make the deboning process easier and more efficient. Remember to always keep the shears clean and dry to maintain their sharpness and longevity.

Prepare the Chicken for Deboning

Now that we've gathered the necessary tools, let's move on to preparing the chicken for deboning. Properly preparing the chicken is crucial to ensure a successful and efficient deboning process.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Start by rinsing the chicken under cold running water. This helps remove any dirt or debris on the surface.
  2. Pat the chicken dry with paper towels to remove excess moisture. This makes it easier to handle and prevents slipping while deboning.
  3. Place the chicken on a clean cutting board, breast side up. Make sure the board is stable and secure.
  4. To ensure safety and control during deboning, remove any loose or hanging skin with a sharp knife.
  5. Next, inspect the chicken for any remaining feathers. Use tweezers to pluck them out if necessary.
  6. Now, it's time to choose your deboning technique. Whether you prefer the traditional method or the butterfly technique, make sure you have a clear understanding of the steps involved.

Begin Deboning the Chicken

After preparing the chicken, we can now begin deboning it using kitchen shears. Deboning a chicken can be a delicate process, but with the right technique, it can be done easily and efficiently.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Start by removing the wings: Use the shears to cut through the joints where the wings meet the body. This will separate the wings from the chicken.
  2. Next, remove the legs: Cut through the skin and meat around the thigh joint. Once the joint is exposed, use the shears to cut through it and separate the leg from the body.
  • Pro tip: Using kitchen shears instead of a knife allows for more control and precision when removing the legs.
  1. Now, focus on the breastbone: Locate the breastbone in the center of the chicken. Insert the shears along one side of the breastbone and cut along its length, separating the breast meat from the bone.
  • Pro tip: The shears can be particularly useful for this step as they allow for easier maneuverability around the bone.
  1. Repeat the process on the other side of the breastbone until the breast meat is completely separated from the bone.

Remove the Breast Meat

Now, let's move on to removing the breast meat.

When it comes to deboning a chicken, you have the option of using a knife or kitchen shears. We'll discuss both techniques and provide a step-by-step guide on how to remove the breast meat using kitchen shears.

Additionally, we'll share some time-saving tips to make the process even easier.

Knife Vs. Shears

How can we efficiently remove the breast meat from a chicken using either a knife or kitchen shears? When it comes to deboning a chicken, both a knife and kitchen shears have their pros and cons. Here's a breakdown of each:

  • Knife:
  • Pros:
  • Allows for precise cuts and control.
  • Can be used for other tasks in the kitchen.
  • Cons:
  • Requires more skill and practice.
  • Can be time-consuming.
  • Shears:
  • Pros:
  • Easy to use, especially for beginners.
  • Can quickly cut through bones and cartilage.
  • Cons:
  • Less precise than a knife.
  • Limited to specific tasks.

Ultimately, the choice between a knife and shears depends on your skill level and personal preference. If you're comfortable with a knife and value precision, it may be the better option. However, if you're a beginner or prefer a quicker method, kitchen shears can get the job done efficiently.

Breastbone Removal Technique

To remove the breast meat from a chicken using kitchen shears, we'll utilize a technique known as the breastbone removal method. This technique is preferred over using a knife because it allows for more control and precision, ensuring that the breast meat is removed cleanly and efficiently.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to remove the breast meat using kitchen shears:

  1. Start by placing the chicken breast-side up on a cutting board.
  2. Locate the breastbone, which runs down the center of the chicken.
  3. Insert the kitchen shears on one side of the breastbone, close to the rib cage.
  4. Carefully cut along one side of the breastbone, following the contour of the bone.
  5. Repeat the process on the other side of the breastbone.
  6. Once both sides are cut, use your hands to gently pry the breast meat away from the bone.
  7. Continue to remove the breast meat, cutting any connective tissue if necessary.
  8. Trim any excess fat or skin as desired.

Time-Saving Tips

To save time when removing the breast meat from a chicken using kitchen shears, we can employ a few helpful tips:

  • Start by cutting along the breastbone on one side of the chicken, from the neck to the tail.
  • Use the shears to cut through the rib bones, separating the breast meat from the carcass.

Once the breast meat is detached, flip the chicken over and repeat the process on the other side.

  • To make the process even more efficient, consider using a sharp knife to make an initial incision along the breastbone before using the shears.
  • Another time-saving tip is to remove the skin from the breast meat before deboning. This will make it easier to handle and cut through.

Separate the Thigh and Leg

To separate the thigh and leg of the chicken, we can use either a knife or kitchen shears. The key to clean cuts is to use a technique that involves cutting through the joint.

Knife or Shears

We can separate the thigh and leg of the chicken by using either a knife or shears. Both options have their pros and cons.

  • Knife:
  • Pros:
  • Precise cuts: A sharp knife allows for clean and precise cuts, ensuring that the separation is done accurately.
  • Versatility: A knife can be used for various other kitchen tasks, making it a multipurpose tool.
  • Cons:
  • Skill required: Using a knife requires some level of skill and technique to avoid accidents.
  • Potential for uneven cuts: Without proper technique, it's possible to end up with unevenly separated thigh and leg portions.
  • Shears:
  • Pros:
  • Ease of use: Shears are designed specifically for cutting through bones, making the process easier and more efficient.
  • Safety: Shears often have built-in safety features, such as locking mechanisms, to prevent accidents.
  • Cons:
  • Limited use: Shears are primarily used for cutting through bones and may not be as versatile as a knife.
  • Less precision: Shears may not provide the same level of precision as a knife, leading to less accurate cuts.

Considering these pros and cons, choose the tool that best suits your skill level and preference for the separation of the thigh and leg.

Technique for Clean Cuts

For clean cuts when separating the thigh and leg, an ideal technique is to carefully position the shears at the joint and apply steady pressure to make a clean cut. This ensures that the meat remains intact and the bones are cleanly separated. To perform this technique, follow these steps:

  1. Place the chicken on a cutting board, breast side up.
  2. Hold the leg firmly and locate the joint where the thigh and leg meet.
  3. Position the shears at the joint, ensuring that the blades are aligned with the bone.
  4. Apply steady pressure to cut through the joint, using the shears as if they were a knife.
  5. Continue cutting until the thigh and leg are completely separated.

By using this precise technique, you can achieve clean cuts and separate the thigh and leg with ease. The table below provides a visual representation of the steps:

Step Description
1 Place chicken on cutting board, breast side up.
2 Hold the leg firmly and locate the joint.
3 Position shears at the joint, aligning with the bone.
4 Apply steady pressure to make a clean cut.
5 Continue cutting until thigh and leg are separated.

With this step-by-step approach and the use of kitchen shears, you can master the technique for clean cuts when separating the thigh and leg of a chicken.

Removing Excess Fat

First, we frequently trim any excess fat from the thigh and leg using kitchen shears. This step is important not only for aesthetic reasons but also for practical and health-related purposes. Here are two discussion ideas to consider:

  • Trimming Technique:
  • Hold the chicken leg firmly with one hand and use the kitchen shears to carefully cut away any visible fat.
  • Make sure to remove the fat in small, precise cuts to avoid removing too much meat.
  • Health Benefits:
  • Removing excess fat helps reduce the overall calorie content of the chicken, making it a healthier option.
  • Trimming the fat also helps improve the texture and taste of the meat, as excessive fat can lead to a greasy and unpleasant mouthfeel.

Clean up and Use the Chicken Bones

After deboning the chicken using kitchen shears, gather all the chicken bones for further use and cleanup. Don't let those bones go to waste! There are two main ways you can make the most out of them: by using them to make a flavorful broth or by getting creative with recipes that incorporate chicken bones.

To make a delicious chicken broth, simply place the bones in a large pot and cover them with water. Add some aromatic vegetables like onions, carrots, and celery, along with herbs and spices of your choice. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for a few hours. The longer you simmer, the more flavorful the broth will be. Once done, strain the liquid to remove any solids and store it in airtight containers for future use in soups, stews, or sauces.

If you're feeling adventurous, you can also get creative with recipes that use chicken bones. For example, you can roast the bones in the oven until they become crispy and use them as a topping for salads or soups. Alternatively, you can grind the bones into a fine powder and use it as a seasoning for dishes like roasted vegetables or pasta.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take to Debone a Chicken Using Kitchen Shears?

Deboning a chicken using kitchen shears can take anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on your skill level. It's a quick and efficient technique that offers the benefits of easy maneuverability and precise cuts.

Can I Use Regular Scissors Instead of Kitchen Shears?

Regular scissors can be used as alternative tools for deboning a chicken. However, kitchen shears are specifically designed for this task and make it easier and more efficient.

Can I Debone a Chicken Without Removing the Skin?

Yes, we can debone a chicken without removing the skin by using alternative deboning tools and techniques. It requires careful precision and step-by-step instructions to ensure the skin remains intact throughout the process.

Are There Any Safety Precautions I Should Take While Deboning a Chicken?

Preventing accidents while deboning a chicken is crucial. We should follow proper handling techniques to ensure safety. It's important to be cautious, use sharp kitchen shears, and keep a firm grip on the chicken to avoid injuries.

Can I Use the Leftover Chicken Bones for Making Broth?

Yes, we can use the leftover chicken bones for making broth. It's a great way to maximize the use of all parts of the chicken and create a flavorful stock. There are many alternative uses for leftover chicken bones.


In conclusion, deboning a chicken using kitchen shears is an efficient and straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can successfully remove the bones from the chicken, separate the meat, and utilize the bones for other purposes.

With the right tools and a little practice, you'll be able to debone a chicken like a pro in no time. Happy cooking!