How to Make Homemade Pasta With Kitchen Shears

Are you ready to embark on a delicious homemade pasta adventure? We've got you covered with this step-by-step guide.

In just a few simple steps, we'll show you how to create mouthwatering pasta using nothing but your trusty kitchen shears.

From mixing the dough to cutting it into perfect shapes, you'll be amazed at how easy and satisfying it is to make your own pasta.

So, roll up your sleeves and let's get started!

Gather Your Ingredients

We will gather the necessary ingredients to make homemade pasta with kitchen shears. The first step in making perfect pasta dough is to gather the right ingredients. You'll need 2 cups of all-purpose flour, 2 large eggs, and a pinch of salt. These ingredients will give your pasta dough the perfect consistency.

When it comes to the flour, make sure to use all-purpose flour instead of bread flour or cake flour. All-purpose flour has the right amount of protein to create a tender and chewy texture.

Crack the eggs into a small bowl and beat them lightly with a fork. This will help distribute the egg evenly throughout the dough.

Next, add the flour and salt to a large mixing bowl. Make a well in the center and pour in the beaten eggs. Using a fork or your fingers, gradually incorporate the flour into the eggs until a dough forms.

Common mistakes to avoid when making homemade pasta include adding too much flour or not enough liquid. The dough should be soft and slightly sticky, but not wet. If it feels too dry, add a teaspoon of water at a time. If it's too wet, add a sprinkle of flour.

Once you have achieved the perfect consistency, transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead it for about 5 minutes. This will develop the gluten and give your pasta a nice chewiness.

Now that we've gathered our ingredients and achieved the perfect pasta dough consistency, we're ready to move on to the next step: rolling out the dough. Stay tuned for the next subtopic!

Mix the Dough

Now that we've gathered our ingredients, it's time to mix the dough. The key to a successful pasta dough lies in getting the right flour and water ratio.

We'll also discuss the proper kneading techniques to ensure a smooth and elastic dough, as well as the importance of letting the dough rest before rolling it out.

Let's get started!

Flour and Water Ratio

To achieve the perfect consistency for homemade pasta dough, it is crucial to carefully measure and mix the ratio of flour and water. The right balance of these ingredients will determine the texture and elasticity of your pasta. The key is to achieve the ideal pasta consistency and ensure proper pasta dough hydration.

Here is a table that demonstrates the recommended flour and water ratios for different types of pasta:

Pasta Type Flour (grams) Water (grams)
Tagliatelle 100 60
Ravioli 200 100
Farfalle 150 75

Kneading Techniques

To begin kneading the pasta dough, gather the ingredients and place them on a clean work surface.

Kneading is an essential step in making homemade pasta as it helps to develop gluten, which gives the pasta its desired texture.

There are different kneading methods that you can use, depending on the recipe and your preference. One method is the fold and press technique, where you fold the dough in half and press it down with the heels of your hands. Another method is the push and turn technique, where you push the dough away from you with the heel of your hand and then turn it 90 degrees.

Whichever method you choose, the benefits of homemade pasta are undeniable – it's fresher, tastier, and allows you to control the ingredients.

Resting the Dough

After kneading the pasta dough, we mix the dough ingredients together and allow it to rest. Resting the dough is an essential step in pasta making that offers several benefits. Here are five reasons why resting the dough is crucial:

  • Allows the gluten to relax: Resting the dough gives the gluten in the flour time to relax, resulting in a more tender and pliable dough.
  • Enhances flavor development: Resting allows the dough to fully absorb the flavors of the ingredients, resulting in a more flavorful pasta.
  • Improves texture: Resting gives the dough time to hydrate fully, resulting in a smoother and silkier texture.
  • Makes the dough easier to roll: Resting allows the dough to become more elastic, making it easier to roll out and shape.
  • Reduces shrinkage during cooking: Resting the dough helps to prevent excessive shrinkage when the pasta is cooked.

The recommended resting time for pasta dough is around 30 minutes, but it can vary depending on the recipe. So, be sure to follow the specific instructions provided.

Now that the dough is resting, we can move on to the next step of the pasta-making process.

Roll Out the Dough

We begin by rolling out the dough using our trusty kitchen shears' possessive noun capability. Rolling out the dough is an essential step in pasta making as it helps to create a smooth and uniform thickness. To begin, lightly flour your work surface and place the rested dough on it. Use your hands to shape the dough into a rough rectangle, then use a rolling pin to flatten it out further.

Next, take your kitchen shears and cut off a small portion of the dough. This will make it easier to work with and prevent it from drying out. Roll out the smaller piece of dough with the rolling pin, starting from the center and working your way outwards. Rotate the dough as you roll to ensure an even thickness.

When using kitchen shears for rolling out pasta dough, you have a variety of shaping options. You can cut the dough into thin strips for spaghetti or wider strips for fettuccine. For stuffed pasta, such as ravioli or tortellini, you can cut out circles or squares. The possibilities are endless!

Remember to flour your work surface and the dough as needed to prevent sticking. Once the dough is rolled out to your desired thickness, you can move on to the next step in the pasta making process.

Cut the Pasta With Kitchen Shears

Now that we've rolled out our homemade pasta dough, it's time to cut it into the desired shapes. This is where kitchen shears come in handy.

Not only do they provide clean cuts, but they also offer a time-saving alternative to using a knife.

Let's learn how to cut our pasta with kitchen shears for perfect pasta shapes every time.

Clean Cuts With Shears

To achieve clean cuts when making homemade pasta with kitchen shears, carefully position the shears perpendicular to the pasta dough and apply a steady, even pressure.

Here are some tips to help you achieve precision cutting and maintain control while using kitchen shears:

  • Use sharp shears: Make sure your kitchen shears are sharp to ensure clean cuts without tearing the dough.
  • Hold the shears correctly: Hold the shears with your dominant hand and place your other hand on top of the dough to stabilize it.
  • Cut in one fluid motion: Start cutting from the edge of the dough and continue in a straight line, applying even pressure throughout the cut.
  • Clean the shears between cuts: Wipe the shears clean with a damp cloth after each cut to prevent any dough from sticking and affecting the next cut.
  • Practice and be patient: Like any skill, practice makes perfect. Take your time, be patient, and soon you'll be achieving clean cuts with ease.

Time-Saving Alternative to Knife

Using kitchen shears to cut your homemade pasta is a time-saving alternative to using a knife. Not only does it save you precious minutes in the kitchen, but it also has several other benefits.

First and foremost, kitchen shears allow for quick and precise cuts, ensuring that your pasta strands are all uniform in size. This is especially important when making delicate pasta shapes like angel hair or fettuccine.

Additionally, kitchen shears eliminate the need for a cutting board, reducing the amount of cleaning up required afterwards. They also provide better control and grip, making it easier to cut through the dough without it sticking to the blades.

Cook the Pasta

We cook the pasta by boiling it in a pot of salted water until it's tender. Cooking pasta may seem straightforward, but there are a few techniques that can elevate your dish to the next level.

Here are some tips to ensure your pasta turns out perfectly every time:

  • Use a large pot: A big pot allows the pasta to move freely and cook evenly.
  • Salt the water: Adding salt to the boiling water enhances the flavor of the pasta.
  • Stir occasionally: Stirring prevents the pasta from sticking together and ensures even cooking.
  • Taste for doneness: To determine if the pasta is cooked, taste a small piece. It should be al dente, meaning it still has a slight bite to it.
  • Reserve some pasta water: Before draining the pasta, scoop out a cup of the starchy pasta water. It can be used later to adjust the consistency of your sauce.

Now that you know the basic cooking techniques, it's time to choose the right pasta shape to complement your dish. Whether it's long and thin spaghetti, or small and tube-like penne, each shape has its own unique texture and ability to hold sauce. Experiment with different shapes to find your favorites and have fun creating delicious pasta dishes.

Serve and Enjoy

Our satisfaction of the homemade pasta dish was evident as we eagerly savored each flavorful bite. After all the hard work and effort put into making the pasta from scratch, it was incredibly rewarding to finally enjoy the fruits of our labor. But the experience doesn't end with just cooking the pasta; the presentation and serving also play a crucial role in enhancing the overall dining experience.

To make the serving process easier and more efficient, here are some time-saving tips that you can follow. Firstly, have all the necessary condiments and accompaniments prepared in advance, such as grated cheese, freshly ground black pepper, and a variety of sauces. This way, you can simply set them out on the table when it's time to eat, saving you precious minutes during mealtime. Additionally, consider prepping the dining area beforehand by setting the table with beautiful plates, silverware, and napkins, creating an inviting atmosphere for your guests.

Now, let's talk about presentation ideas to add that extra touch of finesse to your homemade pasta dish. Take a look at the table below for some inspiration:

Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3 Idea 4
Serve the pasta in individual bowls with a sprinkle of fresh herbs on top. Garnish the dish with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese. Plate the pasta on colorful dishes to make the meal visually appealing. Serve the pasta family-style in a large serving dish for a cozy and communal dining experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Regular Scissors Instead of Kitchen Shears to Cut the Pasta?

Yes, regular scissors can be used to cut pasta, but kitchen shears are designed specifically for this task, making it easier and more precise. Also, consider using alternative ingredients like semolina flour for eggless pasta dough.

What Type of Flour Should I Use to Make Homemade Pasta?

When making homemade pasta, you can use different types of flour, like all-purpose or semolina, depending on the desired texture. To roll out the dough evenly, use a pasta machine or a rolling pin. Experiment with various pasta shapes to add variety to your dishes.

Can I Substitute Eggs With Any Other Ingredients for the Pasta Dough?

When making pasta dough, we often wonder if eggs can be substituted. While eggs provide structure and richness, you can experiment with alternatives like flax eggs or water. Adjust the recipe accordingly.

How Long Does It Take to Cook Homemade Pasta?

When making homemade pasta, cooking time depends on the thickness and desired texture. Thin pasta cooks in just a few minutes, while thicker pasta may take 8-10 minutes. Experiment to find your perfect al dente!

Can I Store the Homemade Pasta for Later Use?

Yes, you can store homemade pasta for later use. To do this, let the pasta dry completely, then place it in an airtight container or bag. You can also freeze pasta for longer storage.


In just a few simple steps, you can create delicious homemade pasta using kitchen shears.

Gather your ingredients, mix the dough, roll it out, and cut it with your handy shears.

Cook the pasta to perfection and then sit back and enjoy your homemade creation.

With this easy and enjoyable process, you'll never want to go back to store-bought pasta again.

So get those shears ready and start making your own pasta masterpiece today!